Making Bird Feeders with Camp Curiosity

Making Bird Feeders with Camp Curiosity

Making Bird Feeders With Camp Curiosity Join The Camp Curiosity for a fun and creative workshop showing you how to make bird feeders using household items! Activity Overview Join us for a fun session of making bird feeders using household items! We will demonstrate...
Songwriting Masterclass with A Place For Us and Natalie McCool

Songwriting Masterclass with A Place For Us and Natalie McCool

Songwriting MasterCLass with a Place For us and Natalie MCCool Join A Place For Us and Natalie McCool for a Masterclass in songwriting, deconstructing one of Natalie's own pop songs. Activity Overview Deconstructing a Song: Writing a song in reverse…A unique insight...
Shared Reading With The Reader

Shared Reading With The Reader

Shared Reading with The Reader Join The Reader for a relaxing, fun and accessible introduction to the shared reading. Activity Overview Come and join in with some Shared Reading: you’ll listen to a story or a poem being read aloud and will have a chance to share your...
iDEA Awards With Spark Penketh

iDEA Awards With Spark Penketh

iDEA Award With SpArk Penketh Join Spark Penketh for a fun and creative introduction to the iDEA Award. An international award winning programme that helps you develop and demonstrate your digital, enterprise and employability skills for free. Activity Overview This...
Flower Pressing With Claire Pitt

Flower Pressing With Claire Pitt

Flower Pressing with Claire Pitt Join Claire Pitt for a fun and creative flower pressing workshop. Activity Overview How to Press Flowers: This demonstration should help you start your own floral pressing journey, preserving floral memories from your own gardens and...