We’re super excited to announce the official start of our ambitious Pixel Art project on Saturday 22nd of May 2021. This long term/large scale Pixel Art project will involve artwork from over 1,000 local residents of Halton (and beyond) in a collaborative exhibition at The Culture HQ in Runcorn Shopping City.

Halton Borough Of Culture 2021
2021 see’s Halton as the Borough of Culture, and as part of Halton MakeFest, our good friends over at Mako Create have been commissioned with creating this bespoke, one of a kind, collaborative and community-based art exhibition.
The Pixel Art Wall
The display itself is large, measuring in at 4 metres wide, but it will be almost entirely made up of over 1,000 tiny pieces of pixel art, measuring just 60mm x 60mm each. Each tiny piece of Pixel Art will be designed by members of the public, so any aspiring artist from the local community will have their chance to be part of this large scale art piece.
Get Involved
There will be lots of opportunities to get involved and contribute, starting on Saturday 22nd May 2021, where Mako Create will be running a drop-in workshop (all Covid Safe of course) from 11am – 4pm at Culture HQ in Runcorn Shopping City.
Want to get involved but can’t make it on Sunday 22nd May? Fear not, as Mako Create have put together a handy online guide for you to take part from the comfort of your own home (or just about anywhere) so you can send your artwork to us remotely
. You can read more about that in our “Make Stuff” section here:
Behind the Scenes
The pixel art wall was originally destined to be launch at Halton MakeFest 2021, but as the whole festival was reconfigured to be delivered online, the physical activity of putting this exhibit together had to put on hold.
Nevertheless, the Mako Create team persevered and continued to develop concepts, plans and eventually the bespoke physical display space that you can see at Culture HQ.
Here are some initial sketches and behind the scenes photos during the development and installation process.