And breathe! After a whirlwind few months in which Mako Create, along with many partners and friends, took MakeFest 2022 from an idea to a fully-fledged festival of creativity we are so thankful for the roaring success it became.
At the end of March we took over two units inside Runcorn Shopping City, cramming over 50 makers and a whole host of artistic activities into a single day of family fun. In the run up to the big day we had also curated a series of Maker Showcases, in which some of our makers joined us in Culture HQ to deliver exclusive workshops, and released on-demand video Premieres for everyone to enjoy and be inspired by at home.
Whether you wanted to see fantastic artwork, photography and creative demonstrations, hear discussion, music and singing or get hands-on with animals, science and crafting our makers and volunteers worked to provide a multi-sensory experience for everyone in Halton to enjoy. If you missed the event or want to revisit the experience why not take a look at the highlights video from the day and check out the vast array of content we created this year on the Halton MakeFest website and socials (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube).
This event wouldn’t have been possible without our army of makers and volunteers who gave their time and effort to provide a great cultural and creative experience for our community. Thanks too to everyone who helped document the event through writing, photographs and video across a range of platforms and most of all to the people from Halton and further afield who came to the event and interacted with our online content.
See you next year, we can’t wait to get started for 2023!