Halton MakeFest: Camp Curiosity
Nature Art Making ShowcaseMaker Showcase #1
We at Mako Create are gearing up for Halton Makefest 2022 the huge creative event, at the end of March, which brings together makers and creators from across Halton Borough.
On Saturday 12th March, join Camp Curiosity for their Nature Art workshop which is the first in a series“Maker Showcases”; one-off, free-to-attend workshops from some of the makers attending this year’s Makefest event. Learn new, creative activities for all the family to enjoy at one of our Maker Showcase events, for more information about Makefest and Maker Showcases, visit the Makefest 2022 Website.
Join Gemma from Camp Curiosity as she guides you through creating simple and beautiful nature art using leaves, flowers, seed pods, petals and more collected from the outdoor world. Have fun designing your nature art to take home with you.
You may not have a big or beautiful garden, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create nature art. Go on a walk or visit a park and you’ll be sure to find an assortment of things that can be used creatively together. Nature art is a fun and easy activity for all ages and is a perfect excuse to get the kids outdoors foraging for their own materials and away from their screens!